Monday 9 January 2012

Week Six Article

Posted: December 7th, 2010                                    Viewed: January 9th, 2012
This is an article written about the students at Meadowvale Secondary School and their neighbouring school West Credit that have been building bunk beds for First Nations families in northern Ontario.  About 20 students in West Credit’s shop program and Meadowvale’s High Skills program joined FTC Canada’s first Nations Bunk Bed program which helps get the children of the floor and into comfy beds. The students will build 10 bunk bed frames a year for the next three years. FTC Canada is a non -profit organization and for several years now they have worked in First Nations communities and found that many children live in desperate conditions and suffer from poor health. Sleep conditions on the reserves are terrible and contribute to their inability to learn and their obvious health. The bunk bed program is important because a good night’s sleep will help improve their learning, memory, attention and overall health.
Word 1: deprivation
a) "Sleeping conditions are very poor there (on First Nations reserves) and that contributes to the inability to learn, and there are obvious health issues like sleep deprivation," he said.
b) Deprivation:
The act or an instance of depriving; loss (
c) Woodstock’s exams cause sleep deprivation for its students.
Word 2: relief
a) FTC Canada is a non-profit relief organization that helps children and their families around the world by providing food, medicine and education.
b) Relief:
The easing of a burden or distress, such as pain, anxiety, or oppression (
c) Woodstock provides relief by donating clothes.
Word 3: desperate
a) For several years, the group has worked in First Nations communities and found that most children live in desperate conditions and suffer from higher rates of poor health.
b) Desperate:
Nearly hopeless; critical (
c) Some families in the bazaar live in very desperate conditions.
This article strongly relates to me, in fact it is about me! Although I am not one of the original twenty students that signed up to participate in FTC Canada’s First Nations Bunk Ned Program, I did help in building the bunk bed frames. I joined in their second year of participating in the Bunk Bed program. After taking shop in grade nine and doing the voluntary afterschool courses they offered at Meadowvale Secondary School when I was in grade eight, Mr. Rogers, one of the shop teachers, said I was quite good and asked me if I would like to help out even though I’m not in the High Skills program. I agreed in a heartbeat and had tons of fun working on the bunks for the First Nations children. Unfortunately I couldn’t be too much help this school year being halfway across the world, but it was a fantastic opportunity I got to partake in.       

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