Monday 2 January 2012

Week Five Article
Posted: December 14th, 2011                                 Viewed: January 2nd, 2011
This article is all about a very versatile kitchen appliance known as the Mini Pie and Cupcake Maker. This machine is perfect for making quiches, mini pies, teeny cakes and cupcakes. With it you can make four different types of quiche at once and a personal cherry pie in the amount of time it takes to brew a cup of coffee! You can even make cupcakes and chicken pot pie at the same time! All the foods are delicious and evenly heated throughout and take only 10 minutes maximum to make. Cleanup is very quick and easy. With its non-stick coating there’s no need for soaking or scratchy sponges. You can prepare, bake, eat and cleanup in under 45 minutes. It makes controlling your portion size very easy and is truly a perfect gift for the (lazy) aspiring chef in your life. Find it at The Sharper Image for $59.99.  
Word 1: decadent
a) At first glance, it may seem an appliance built specifically for cupcake-making is a bit decadent.
b) Decadent:
Being in a state of decline or decay (

c) Compared to the boys’ dorm, Midlands is decadent.
Word 2: versatile
a) I was in luck -- the Mini Pie and Cupcake Maker is actually very versatile.
b) Versatile:
Capable of doing many things competently (

c) The students of Woodstock are very versatile.
Word 3: aspiring
a) Truly a perfect gift for the (lazy) aspiring chef in your life.
b) Aspiring: D
esiring or striving for recognition or advancement (

c) At Woodstock there are many aspiring scholars.
Jackie Jesko’s article related to my newly found interest of decorating cupcakes. During the winter break I made these cupcakes that look like cookie monsters and, despite my original expectation, they actually turned out really well. I’m actually thinking of maybe even doing that for a living. Anyways, the point is that this Mini Pie and Cupcake Maker would be a great for making my cupcakes that I could later decorate as it takes like no time and makes smaller portions easy. The smaller portions would be perfect as I always end up with too many. Also, cleanup is a breeze with the Mini Pie and Cupcake Maker which is probably its best feature. The cleanup is the only downside of cooking and if I had this appliance there would be no downside. So, all in all, the Mini Pie and Cupcake Maker sounds like a great investment for me.

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