Monday 9 January 2012

Favourite Quotation

Q#104: What is your favorite quotation and why? (Princeton)

My all-time favourite quote has to be “life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” The author is unknown but it really is a great quote. It basically says that life is full of difficulties and disappoints that aren’t always expected, like a storm, and you have to go on with your life and enjoy it,  like by dancing in the rain, even when there are great hardships to overcome. You can’t just throw you’re your life and have yourself a little pity party and just hope things will get better, you have to deal with it, move on and make the best of a bad situation. I think the main reason I like this quote so much is that this is how I choose to go about my life. I guess you could say this quote is my philosophy on life. Life is not about being problem-free; it's about having a great time no matter what happens. So, in a way, this quote represents my personality and views. You see, when life throws a curveball at me and I strike out, I come back swinging. I like to take life for what it is and be optimistic, make the best of a bad situation. Even what seems to be a dull moment can be a happy moment if you think positively. "If you change your thoughts, you can change your world."

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