Monday 16 January 2012

Mobstacle Course

Q#231: Invent a game and explain the rules.
The name of the game is Mobsticle Course. This is a game I invented when I was about ten and my family and friends love it. First of all, everyone participating must have on a really baggy shirt. Note that it must be baggy enough to can fit a blown up exercise ball into it. There is no limit on the number of people that can play, as long as the lines are equal. The people must split up so there is two groups of four or three groups of one or whatever is best for the amount of people you have. Then, in your own groups, decide who will go first, second, and so on. In short, this game is like an epic, contact obstacle course.  When you hear “GO!” you put the exercise ball in the baggy shirt you already have on. Then you head out to the obstacle course while purposely body slamming opponents with your enormous belly.  There is no specific way to set up your obstacle course, just be as creative as possible. A suggestion is to involve a section where you carry an egg on the spoon because it’s a lot of fun trying to keep it balanced as you all bump into each other. Another suggestion is to make a point in the obstacle course where there is only one path for all the people. This causes tons of pushing and bumping which is a lot of fun. One of the rules is that you don’t have to be on the same section of the obstacle course to tackle them. Like if someone is ahead you can run to where they are at and keep pushing them back to where you are. There no other rules except have fun and be safe!

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