Monday 14 November 2011

Wed-NES-day !

Q#123: How do you feel about Wednesdays? (U of Chicago)

Wednesday, it’s a simple, reoccurring day in the weekly cycle. How do I personally feel about it? That it, along with many others such as ‘know’, is a ridiculous word in the English language. Think back to when you were in kindergarten and your teacher would make you recite the numbers one through ten, the alphabet, and the colours and so on. “Great job my little dumplings,” her annoyingly sweet voice would ring out. When it came to the days of the week, however, that was an entirely different story. The class would being, “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,” and in would jump the teacher, “No, no, no class. Remember, it’s WENDSS-day not Wed-NES-day.” Why in the world would you even make a word spelled differently than it actually sounds? It would be much simpler if it was just ‘Wendsday’ and all this confusion would be easily avoided. If there is indeed a logical explanation, someone please inform me. As for the actually day Wednesday, it’s, well, just a Wednesday. There’s neither a reason to like it nor dislike it. It doesn’t contain the excitement of the end of a school week like a Friday or the dreaded beginning of a school week like a Monday. It’s just there, smack dab in the middle of the week, safely protected by Tuesday and Thursday. Like the rest of the days of the week, it comes and goes, yet it somehow gets lost in the mix. There is no specific characteristic held by this day and, therefore, a Wednesday is just a Wednesday. The only thing that comes to mind about Wednesday is its ridiculous spelling. Hey, maybe that’s the logical explanation I’ve been looking for! The reason Wednesday is spelled the way it is, is to give Wednesday it’s very own specific characteristic.

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