Monday 7 November 2011

College Essay Question

Q#39: Tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life. (Santa Clara University)

The most embarrassing moment in my life also happens to be one of my funniest, fondest memories. So I was on a date with my boyfriend and we go to this restaurant, typical. The night is going fine and about halfway through our dinner or so I decide to go "powder my nose." On the way to the bathroom I manage to trip and knock out a waiter with a full platter of dirty dishes, causing the whole restaurant to turn and stare. Laughing and helping him up, I shook that off. I make it to the washroom and it’s like Shrek’s swamp in there; so gross! Anyways, I go, do my thing and when I go to open the stall door I find that it’s stuck! I’m trapped! I start just leaning back with all my might trying to pull it open. After awhile of looking at it, pulling it and contemplating climbing over the side, I decide I’m just going to have to suck it up and crawl under the door. The floor was slimy and slippery, but definitely not because it was just freshly mopped. As I get halfway under, I accidentally bump the door and notice that it moves with ease. All of a sudden I come to me senses and realize that the door wasn’t stuck at all… it just needed to be pushed open, not pulled! Oh man, I get up and my hair is all uggggh and there's this nasty layer of filth all along the front of my light pink dress and then, I start worrying that he thinks I’m having trouble with my bowels or something! It has been awhile after all. When I returned to the table he looks at my dress and is just like “Rough time?” I just cocked my eyebrow, shook my head with a smirk and said, “You have no idea.”

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